This photography portfolio was made on UWC Day 2024 at UWCSEA's East Campus, Singapore.

UWC Day is the annual global celebration of the UWC mission and values, which takes place on 21 September every year, to coincide with the UN International Day of Peace. Each year, UWC Day is celebrated by our global community - thousands of students and staff at UWC schools and colleges, national committees, alumni, families and friends.

UWC Day celebrates the strength and diversity of the UWC movement and our mission for a more peaceful and sustainable future. It serves as a chance to spread the word about our work and values. But it is also an opportunity to reflect on what we do as a movement, to determine how to be more effective changemakers, and to continue to learn, grow and challenge ourselves.

On this day, UWCSEA East students are encouraged to come to school dressed to represent their cultural heritage. Some students wear traditional dress handed down to them from older generations, while some wear modern reflections of their culture, like football jerseys. Regardless of what they wear, the intent is to allow students to proudly express and share their culture, and celebrate the cultural diversity that is a bedrock of the UWC Mission.

We set up a makeshift photography studio in UWCSEA East's tent plaza, using only materials available around campus and the beautiful natural sunlight gifted to us from Singapore that day.